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Meet Johnny!
Wow, he's little!

Time to pull on your waders, slap on your fishing cap, and open up a can of worms! Catching this evasive little fish is only the beginning.


The Johnnyfish can be caught in Falconreach Bay or Doomwood Dock.


The reason for the release of the Johnnyfish ingame was kept very secret at first, but right now we all now what it does. Catching the Johnnyfish will catapult you to the Water Orb Quest Saga and take you to DF's first underwater city, The Locker!
You only need to catch the Johnnyfish once. It takes time, yes. But it's all worth it once you get it.

Important Text

Once the Johnnyfish is captured, a small cutscene shows:

<Character>: ...
<Character>:What a wimpy little fish...If I keep it, one of the other fish will probably eat it.
<Character>:I spent all that time trying to catch something though.. I can't just throw it back.

A very big fish nears the surface and glares at character

<Character>:Oh well, I'll put him in anyway and if he gets eaten well them's the break--
<Character>: ...
<Character>:His mom is right behind me, isn't she?


<Character>:AAAAHHH! HEY LEGGO!!
<Character>:EEEP! Where are you taking me?!
<Character>:Aww come on, not in the water.. I just finished drying off after falling in earlier.
<Character>:Ok, ok, just don't eat me.


Mama Johnnyfish


  • The Johnnyfish will not appear in your aquarium. (Aww!)
  • The Johnnyfish's introduction spawned a great deal of talk. Many were curious and intrigued, some even dismayed, with the idea that the DF team only released a fish for that week. The design notes only spoke of how "amazing" catching this fish would be, but the real intention has been kept secret until the players themselves found out.
  • You only need to catch the Johnnyfish once. The next time you want to visit the Locker, you can either go to any of the fishing spots and click on the button there (which takes you back to the cutscene first though), or go to the Travel Gryphon in Falconreach.