Dr. Voltabolt

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Dr. Voltabolt as he appeared at Thankstaking '08
Dr. Voltabolts transport


You need more iron in your diet, from Ash Dragonblade


Not much is known about this odd technomancer/dentist, but he dislikes magic and magic users heavily and he seems to have some problems when saying s (z) and w (v). He was met first, when he screwed up some of his creations, they have gone rogue.

Important text

Normal Text

<Character>: Eh, whats up doc?
Dr. Voltabot: Vhat? Do you think you are zmart enough to haff a converzation vith a mechnical genius like myzzzzelf? *Humf*
<Character>: He is really full of himzzzzelf.
Dr. Voltabot: *Hrumph* I vant you to take care of a little mess in my secret labor... erm... my perfectly normal house My creations are running amok.
Dr. Voltabot: No fault of mine of course!
<Character>: Of course. So why are you building these strange monsters?
Dr. Voltabot: To create an army and deztroy town of courze! Then I vill deztroy EVERY town that zupports the evils of magic!
Dr. Voltabot: I vill make you a deal.
Dr. Voltabot: Bring me enough scrap metal and my Drive Unit 1.0 (or the Enchanted Drive Unit Cyzero has been playing vith in his shop)...
Dr. Voltabot: ... and perhaps I vill create a little mechanical toy for you. <Character>: !

==During chno-Turkey Terror

<Character>: Eh, whats up doc?
Dr. Voltabot: AH I zee that you haf come to vitness the power of my latest brillinat invention!
<Character>: What is it this time? The worlds most deadly toaster?
Dr. Voltabot: *Thinking*: HE HAZ BEEN LOOKINK AT MY PLANS AND SCHMATICS! I vill haf to hide zem better.
Dr. Voltabot: OF COURSE NOT! I haf decided to show ze world zat science can build a better turkey zan nature can.
<Character>: Oh...well zat...er...that doesn't sound too bad. So what, it tastes better? Gose better with stuffing?
Dr. Voltabot: Yes, well it started zat way..but zen I added ze lasers, you know how it goes. But I haf made a turkey better than nature ever could!
<Character>: Lasers? So by "Better Turkey" You mean "Turkey that can destroy town". Right?
Dr. Voltabot: ... Yes.
Dr. Voltabot: This is ButterBomb, my battle turkey. I haf trained him in ze ways of combat to pilot my battle Techno-Turkey.
Dr. Voltabot: If you can defeat my little pet and his friends, you may haf him. Bring me Corn Kernals and Turkey Tail Feathers as proof of your victories.

During Thankstaking War!

<Character>: Eh, what's up doc?
Dr. Voltabot: AH I zee that you haf come to vitness the power of my latest brilliant invention!
<Character>: What is it this time? The worlds most deadliest toaster?
Dr. Voltabot: (HE HAZ BEEN LOOKINK AT MY PLANS AND SCHEMATICS! I vill haf to hide zem better.)
Dr. Voltabot: OF COURSE NOT! I haf decided to show ze world zat science can build a better pumpkin pie zan any normal human can, even vith magic!
<Character>: Oh... well zat...er...that doesn't sound to bad. Actually that sounds pretty tasty. Can I try it?
Dr. Voltabot: Yes. Well, if you can defeat the Pumpkin Pie Dispensing Dracobot (A.K.A The X-304), zen you may haf as much pie as you like!
Dr. Voltabot: Ze X-304 is a miracle of modern science! It will show ze world once and for all that science is far superior to magic!
Dr. Voltabot: Then ze world will thank me for freeing it from ze chain of magic. Ze world vill thank me... or I will take it's thanks by FORCE! HAHAHAH!
Dr. Voltabot: (Zat is why I am callink this day "Thankstaking Day")
<Character>: That's crazy... YOU'RE crazy! Where do you insane villians come from? Is there something in the water around here?
<Character>: So, I have to defeat a pumpkin pie dispenser to eat pie?... hmmmm... I LIKE IT!
Dr. Voltabot: Vonderful! Now, I need my assistent... Major Tom Butterbomb (He iz a clone of ze original). Ground control to Major Tom...
Dr. Voltabot: Ground control to Major Tom. Your circut's dead. Zere is something wrong. Can you hear me Major Tom?

  • Major Tom falls from above and lands next to Dr. Voltabolt.*

Dr. Voltabot: Ah, good. Zere you are. This is Major Tom ButterBomb, my battle turkey.
Dr. Voltabot: I haf trained him to control my Techno-Turkey, the Pumpkin Pie Dispensing Dracobot, and my entire robot army by remote control from here.
Dr. Voltabot: If you can defeat my little pet and his metal friends, you may haf him. Bring me Corn Kernels and a Turkey Tail Feather as proof of your victories.
Dr. Voltabot: ...Oh, and have a Happy Thankstaking <insert Caracter-Name here>! <Character>: You too, looney!

During Thankstaking Leftovers!

Dr. Voltabot: This is the real test! If you can defeat my Pumpkin Pie Dispensing Dracobot then I will haf to improve on my design.
Dr. Voltabot: Once I haf ze bugs worked out I will remake this magical world in mw own technological glory, started with Falconreach? Shall we begin?

  • You can now choose to battle X-304 or the XXL-304*

Dr. Voltabot: WHAT?! Clearly my design needs quite of bit of work. Oh well... No matter, I haf many other projects in ze works.
Dr. Voltabot: Magic has beated science this time <Character>! I haf more X-304 Dracobots in ze back...
Dr. Voltabot: ...If you care to try again, I will begin ze modifications at once! Mark my words, science will one day defeat magic once and for all!
Dr. Voltabot:: But not this day. Well played <Character>. I am defeated. Come, Major Butterbomb we haf much work to do!



Self Explanatory.



  • As of April 7, 2008, the recipe for these items have changed!


Prior to April 7, 2008

22/11/2006 event

22/11/2007 event
