DoomKnight Armor

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DoomKnight Armor

Male DoomKnight Armor
Female DoomKnight Armor

Base Stats


Melee: 2

Pierce: 2

Magic: 2

Parry: 1

Dodge: 1

Block: 1


Critical: 5

Bonus: 0


DoomKinght Skill Bar

Split Strike


Description: Two powerful strikes, one to HP and one to MP.

Effect: Two hits of 100% damage to HP and MP.

Mana Cost: 10

Prerequisites: None

Cooldown: 0 turns

Life Carve


Description: Normal attack with chance to steal life.

Effect: First, tries to steal 15% of enemy HP (high chance); then follows up with a 75% damage attack.

Mana Cost: 10

Prerequisites: None

Cooldown: 0 turns

Doom Spike


Description: Multi-target stun.

Effect: Hits all enemies with 1 hit of 100% damage; attempts to stun enemies. Stun lasts 3 turns if there is 1 enemy, 2 turns if there are 2 enemies, and 1 turn if there are 3 enemies.

Mana Cost: 30

Prerequisites: None

Cooldown: 13 turns

Doom Blast


Description: 5 Hit Attack. Stacking DOT. More hits = more Shadows.

Effect: 5 hits of 20% damage; causes "Shadow" DOTs; for each hit, it causes a DOT of 9% of weapon damage.

Mana Cost: 20

Prerequisites: None

Cooldown: 5 turns



Description: 2 hits decreases stun resist.

Effect: Two hits of 100% base damage; decreases immobility by 25.

Mana Cost:10

Prerequisites: None

Cooldown: 4 turns



Description: Reverse one strike per turn for 5 turns.

Effect: Starts the DoT "Rewind" which heals you once per turn for the damage from the hit of your enemy's attack. (If they use a multi hit attack it only counts the final hit to return the damage.)

Mana Cost: 30

Prerequisites: None

Cooldown: 13 turns



Description: Turns enemies' damage back to them every round.

Effect: Starts up the DoT "Void" which damages the enemy for the final hit they do to you on the previous turn. (If they use a multi hit attack it only counts the final hit to return the damage.)

Mana Cost: 30

Prerequisites: None

Cooldown: 5 turns



Description: Resets potions, cooldowns. 5 turns to live.

Effect: Refills potions, ends cooldowns, but gives you 5 turns to live.

Mana Cost: 5

Prerequisites: None

Cooldown: Once per battle


Final Skill.PNG

Description: Increased darkness weakness to enemy.

Effect: No damage; increases enemy's darkness weakness by 100.

Mana Cost: 15

Prerequisites: None

Cooldown: 4 turns



Description: Buff to damage against the undead.

Effect: Doubles the damage that you do against undead regardless of weapon type.

Mana Cost: 30

Prerequisites: None

Cooldown: 4 turns

Dark Aura


Description: Decrease mana cost of skills.

Effect: Halves mana cost of skills, rounded down.

Mana Cost: 15

Prerequisites: None

Cooldown: 98 turns

Blood Rite


Description: Massive attack at the cost of some HP.

Effect: 200% damage attack, drains your HP by (0.1*Monster'sCurrentHP), rounded up.

Mana Cost: 0

Prerequisites: None

Cooldown: 0 turns



Description: 100% Bonus damage for enemy, unlocks Vengeance.

Effect: No damage; gives enemy 50 Boost; Unlocks Vengeance skill and sets its cool down to 5.

Mana Cost: 0

Prerequisites: None

Cooldown: 98 turns



Description: Boom!

Effect: 5 hits of 100% damage.

Mana Cost: 20

Prerequisites: Taunt

Cooldown: 5 turns when unlocked by Taunt; 98 turns after use.


Skills in Use


  • The Doomknight is the strongest armor.
  • Must have had a Dragon Amulet for 2 years.
  • As you level up the skills get more powerful, but also use more mana.
  • Sepulchure wears the Male version of this armor.
  • It was recently released at a price of around $19.95. It also comes with 10000 DCs.
  • Still needs a lot of images please post.
  • Sepulchure's comment:

"You foolish Dragonlords do not know what you seek. The power is not meant to be yours... not meant to be wielded by such... mortals, as yourselves. You do not deserve the power... the omnipotence that comes with equipping the Doom Knight Armor... the power that infuses you when the DoomKnight Cloak encompasses you or the fel intelligence that awakens in your brain when the Doom Knight Helm is placed upon your head!

The Necrotic Sword should be mine! I have done all that was asked of me! I could have crushed you easily... taken all the orbs... but I bided my time.... This changes nothing! When the times comes I will still rule all, with my dracolich by my side.

Take up the Doom Knight Armor... become one with the darkness within. Can you handle the power? Can you maintain your will as your own? Do you really think yourself as strong as I? As powerful? We shall see...."

DoomKnight Special Offer
Default Necrotic Sword of Doom - DoomKnight Helm - DoomKnight Cloak - DoomKnight Armor
Other Helms Royal Doom - Sepulchure's Doom - Drakonnan's Doom - Phoenix Doom
Main/Base Classes Mage - Rogue - Warrior
Advanced Classes DragonLord (DA Only) - DragonRider (DA Only/Titan Only) - Ranger - Pirate - Ninja - Paladin - Necromancer - DeathKnight - DragonSlayer - Technomancer - SoulWeaver
Mounts Gnomish Personal Steamtank (DC Only)
Special Armors Pumpkin Lord (Seasonal Rare) - Evolved Pumpkin Lord (Seasonal Rare) - ChickenCow Lord - Evolved ChickenCow Armor - Snuggle Bear (Seasonal Rare) - Dread Pirate (Rare/DA Only) - Human Ninja Monkey (Rare) - Human Pirate Monkey (Rare) - Evolved DragonLord (DA Only) - Color Custom DragonLord (DA Only)
Pay to Use Armors Shadow Armor - DoomKnight Armor
ArchKnight Armors Boy Wonder - Young Hero

P.S. Hello? Info on the Doom Knight armor Here. Mind uploading the pics? P.S.S just download