Plot spoiler bag

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The plot spoiler bag in Waterfall Secret Cave.

First Bag

Description: You find a secret note in the bag. It is wet and some of the letters are hard to read.
It says... 'R_bi__ m_g_t _e a _rinces_!'

Location: Waterfall Secret Cave

Meaning: Appears to stand for "Robina might be a princess!"

Second Bag

The plot spoiler bag in Fiery Heart of Mt. Shining Star.

Description: You find a secret note in the bag. It is burnt and some of the letters are hard to read.
It says... '_l_eo_is_o___a's_a_he_!'

Location: Fiery Heart of Mt. Shining Star

Meaning: Appears to stand for "Alteon is Robina's father!"