Category talk:NPC

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Are Twilly and Zorbak NPCs or Pets? I think this issue is up for debate. -- Boxman 1:19 AM June 15, 2006 (EST)

  • Well, Zorbak at least is, he can give dialogue... but Twilly... not really, just there to fight. -- Ijtzoi 4:10 PM June 23, 2006 (EST)

In my opinion they're both NPC even if Twilly has at the moment nothing to say he probably will have in the future. And pets they are due to the fact that you can't control them in combat. So they're both NPC and pet. --Lorion 16:33, 23 June 2006 (CDT)


Twilly can now talk to you in town. i guess that would count him as an NPC now. Darkshark31 11:55 AM Sept. 5, 2006 (EST)

You guys forgot about Zhoom.I know there's an article about him,too.I updated it. Chaosvii7 2:31 PM June 10, 2007 (EST)


why is NPC listed as a subcategory of this category? the link doesn't go anywhere either, just to this page... Islaya the Flawed 14:48, 20 October 2007 (EDT)

I've been wondering....

On the picture, who's the girl with the braids right in the front? :: XXNeriChanXx